December 2017, Franconville, FRANCE.
Only 4 months after moving from my country to Scotland, I get back for Christmas and that's when the Crazy Idea came out...
Hi #nephtafam ! I am Belocine Musolo, the Founder of Nephtali Couture. I have been thinking about writing a blog for ages, but never had the courage to actually make it happen. What if people don't give a damn about what I have to say ? What if nobody ever reads my stories ?
But today, I have decided to make the big move ! So ready or not, here I come !
My business story started years ago, in France (yes I am french, VIVE LA FRANCE !).

I have studied Biology, and after Uni, it has been very hard to find a job. I applied to hundreds of jobs, had loads of interviews, and had only no as answers. This for almost 2 years !
Usually, the recruiter were telling me that I had a good profile but not enough experience (of course, I just got out of school!). At some point I worked as a waitress and started back a hobby that I left aside for a few years: sewing !
I started sewing because, each time I was going to my Congolese church, I was seeing my friends wearing beautiful outfits made with African fabric, and I wanted one too. When I asked where they purchased it, they sent me to their tailor who was charging way too much for just one dress. I was a bit sad, cause it was expensive and was waiting for my next paycheck to get a custom made dress from him.

Then, one day I walked in an IKEA store and saw a sewing machine (at the same price as the tailor's dress). I conclude that I could do much more dresses by myself, rather than buy just one ! That was it ! I got the sewing machine, brought it home. But there were just a practical detail I forgot : I have never sewn in my entire life !
I am a self taught, thanks to the Internet ! I learned through blogs and YouTube videos mainly. The more I practised, the better I was getting. My friends were seeing my creations and where like : wow, that's amazing, I want the same! But I wasn't comfortable enough to sell anything just yet. In the mean time I kept on applying and got a job (FINALLY) in ... Scotland ! Long story short, I moved from Paris to Ayr, to work as a Sales Representative in a Food Safety company, manufacturing diagnostic kits for Quality labs (basically, a job in my field). I expatriate in September 2017 and brought my colourful closet with me.

Back to December 2017. I came back for a few days to celebrate Christmas with my family, in France. I had a conversation with my mum. I told her how people were loving my African outfits and were complimenting me in Scotland. We shared the idea of me creating a business. I had some requests from some friends, but never really took it seriously. I thought that I wasn't ready for it. But that day, my mother told me "now you are". You know mums are always right !
We prayed over it, and I came back to Scotland with my Crazy idea...
Do you also have a Crazy Idea ? What is it and have already put it into action ? Leave a comment, I'd love to know !
Belocine xx